Elizabeth Best, M. Arch, Owner / Boss Lady
“Necessity is the mother of invention” - Proverb based on Plato’s teachings
I am passionate about creating amazing spaces! I have always worked with my hands and consider myself a craftswomen to the core.
It all started when I was young, building dollhouses. Those dollhouses got me a scholarship to the Savannah College of Art & Design, School of Building Arts. After 5-years of intensive study, I graduated with both a Master's and Bachelor's Degrees in Architecture.
My creative energy leads the way. I’m an enthusiastic entrepreneur who is not afraid of reinvention. I’m proud to say that I am a Mother, Professional Painter, Craftswoman, Designer, Employer, US Patent Holder, and much more!
Moving into the future, I want my business model to center around fostering and inspiring other women to enter the trades. I know from my own experience that women will succeed beyond their wildest dreams using their own two hands, creating something beautiful!
I believe in doing things properly. If it’s worth doing, ‘do your best!’
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